Welcome to AI Keyboards

We Bring Innovative Typing & Customization to Your Fingertips

AI Keyboards is a cutting-edge keyboard app designed to enhance your typing experience with AI-driven predictions and custom themes. This app offers a range of dynamic features including emoji suggestions, swipe typing, and personalized auto-corrections, ensuring your typing is not only fast but also fun. Download AI Keyboards now for free, provided by AI Keyboards.

team meeting
person graphic

Custom Themes

Customize your keyboard with a variety of themes and colors to match your style and mood. Each theme is crafted to provide a unique typing experience.

Smart Predictions

Enhance your typing speed with AI-powered predictive text that learns from your typing habits to suggest words and phrases as you type.

Emoji & GIFs

Express yourself with thousands of emojis and GIFs right at your fingertips. Find the perfect reaction for any conversation.

Multilingual Support

Type in multiple languages effortlessly. AI Keyboards supports many languages, making it easy to switch between them on the fly.

Enhance your typing with our AI-driven tools & Custom Themes

AI Keyboards app is designed to improve your typing efficiency and customization. Explore our dynamic themes and intelligent typing features. For any specific use cases or redistribution queries, please contact us. Enjoy a smarter typing experience.

Custom Theme Integration


Typing Accuracy


Language Support


Explore Our Key Features & What We Provide

Custom Themes
Smart Predictions
Emoji & GIFs
Multilingual Support
Privacy & Security

Feel Free To Send Us a Message About Your Website Needs

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For any enquiry, Email Us: 3471894416@qq.com